Unlocking Minds, Embracing Potential
Assessment Fee
Clients are billed at a rate of $200/hour in accordance with the Psychology Association of Saskatchewan's recommended fee schedule.
The number of hours an assessment takes varies based on the referral question and can range between 7 to 13 hours of service ($1400 to $2600). This fee is all-inclusive and includes time spent on the initial clinical intake, review of previous records, administration of standardized tests, scoring, interpretation, report writing, and the feedback session. Psychoeducational assessments are exempt from GST and PST.
Payment Options
Payment options include debit, etransfer, cheque, or cash.​
Clients will be provided with a receipt at the time of payment which can be submitted to their benefits provider for reimbursement.
Please note that reports are not released until payment is cleared.
Tax Deductions & Extended Health Plans
Fees paid for psychological services may qualify as a medical expense tax credit when completing your income taxes. Many extended health plans and health spending accounts will cover a significant portion of the cost of an assessment. Since benefit plans vary, clients are advised to contact their benefits provider before booking an appointment to determine their coverage for psychological services.
Funding Options
First Nations children and youth living in Canada can access coverage for assessments through Jordan's Principle. For assistance in accessing this funding, please contact the Prince Albert Connections program at 306-922-3247. Direct billing is available for clients who have been pre-approved through Jordan's Principle.
Metis citizens registered through the Metis Nation of Saskatchewan can apply for services to be covered through the Metis Nation of Saskatchewan Mental Health and Addictions Department. Direct billing is available for clients who have been pre-approved through the Metis Nation of Saskatchewan.
​If you are a college or university student, the Canada Student Grants program may cover a significant portion of the cost of your assessment. For more information about the Canada Student Grant, please inquire with the Disability Services office at your college or university.
Cancellation Policy
Clients are not billed for missed appointments. If you must miss an appointment for any reason, please provide as much notice as possible so other clients can be served.​​​​